Namespace LoM.Super.Serialization
Included in the base framework
This namespace contains a set of classes that mock the Unity serialization system.
They add the ability to handle properties in property drawing.
If used with fields they will be serialized as normal, but properties can and will not be serialized.
This namespace is used when creating custom drawers for the SuperBehaviours.
Attributes of a SerializedProperty.
Use SuperSerializedProperty.Attributes to get the all Super related attributes of a SerializedProperty or SerializedField.
SuperSerializedObject and SuperSerializedProperty are classes for editing serialized field
on Object|Unity objects in a completely generic way. These classes automatically
handle dirtying individual serialized fields so they will be processed by the
Undo system and styled correctly for Prefab overrides when drawn in the Inspector.
Unlike the SerializedObject and SerializedProperty classes provided by Unity,
this class supports Properties and Fields
SuperSerializedProperty and SuperSerializedObject are classes for editing properties on
objects in a completely generic way that automatically handles undo, multi-object
editing and Prefab overrides.
Unlike the SerializedObject and SerializedProperty classes provided by Unity,
this class supports Properties and Fields