Most important classes are:
Class | Description | Namespace |
SuperBehaviour | Replaces the default MonoBehaviour and enables you to use all the features of this package. | LoM.Super |
SingletonBehaviour |
Implements the Singleton pattern (Based on SuperBehaviour) | LoM.Super |
LazySingletonBehaviour |
Implements the lazy Singleton pattern, which will create an instance of the gameobject if not present in the scene at the time of .Instance call. (Based on SuperBehaviour) | LoM.Super |
SuperRectTransform | Allows better access to the RectTransform properties, behaves like in the inspector. | LoM.Super |
SerializePropertyAttribute | Attribute to mark properties to be shown in the inspector. (Properties are read only unless you are in play mode because it will not be saved or serialized in any way) | LoM.Super |
SuperEditor |
Replaces the default Editor and enables you to use all the features of this package. | LoM.Super.Editor |
SuperPropertyDrawer | Replaces the default PropertyDrawer uses SuperSerializedProperty wich is able to draw fields and properties in the inspector. | LoM.Super.Editor.Drawer |
List of all Attributes:
Attribute | Fields | Properties | Description |
EditableIf | [ EditableIf("FieldName") ] | [ EditableIf("FieldName") ] | Enables you to make a field editable in the inspector if a condition is met. (If target is not a Boolean it checkts for NULL) |
ShowIf | [ ShowIf("FieldName") ] | [ ShowIf("FieldName") ] | Enables you to show a field in the inspector if a condition is met. (If target is not a Boolean it checkts for NULL) |
Button | [ Button("Label", "Function") ] | [ Button("Label", "Function") ] | Enables you to show a button in the inspector calling the given function. |
Label | [ Label("Label") ] | [ Label("Label") ] | Enables you to change the label of a field in the inspector. |
ReadOnly | [ ReadOnly ] | [ ReadOnly ] | Makes a field read only in the inspector. |
HDRColor | [ HDRColor ] | [ PropertyHDRColor ] | Display Color fields in the inspector as HDR Color. |
Layer | [ Layer ] | [ PropertyLayer ] | Display int fields in the inspector as Layer. |
Tag | [ Tag ] | [ PropertyTag ] | Display string fields in the inspector as Tag. |
Tabs | [ Tabs ] | [ Tabs ] | Dispay Emun fields in the inspector as Tabs. |
Header | [ Header("Text") ] | [ PropertyHeader("Text") ] | Adds a header to the inspector. |
Range | [ Range(1, 6) ] | [ PropertyRange(1, 6) ] | Display int and float fields in the inspector as a slider. |
Space | [ Space ] | [ PropertySpace ] | Adds a space to the inspector. |
Tooltip | [ Tooltip("Text") ] | [ PropertyTooltip("Text") ] | Adds a tooltip to the inspector. |
TextArea | [ TextArea ] | [ PropertyTextArea ] | Display string fields in the inspector as TextArea. |
List of Attributes for Methods:
Attribute | Methods | Description |
Button | [ Button("Label") ] | Enables you to show a button in the inspector calling the given method if clicked. (If no Label is passed it will use the method name) |
EditorConnectRoute | [ EditorConnectRoute ] | Allows you to define a route that can be called using the EditorConnect Server. |